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Upon your initiation into Sigma Chi, you commit to four years as an active undergraduate brother. Interestingly though, you'll never hear an alumni say "I was a Sig back in college." Instead what you would hear is a strong and resounding "I am a Sigma Chi!" for years after their undergraduate experience. The bonds of brotherhood in Sigma Chi are sacred and unyielding, and transcend lifetimes in many instances. Because so many of our brothers go on to be incredibly successful, these relationships often intersect in the professional world. Thanks to the hard work of the local alumni chapter, there is a new networking website for Tulsa/OU/OSU sigs and alumnus that will connect you to brothers in any given field. Scroll down below for the link!


As fall rolls around the corner, the active chapter is hard at work planning and orchestrating a summer and fall recruitment campaign. Any and all donations are sincerely appreciated, and will serve only to benefit the active chapter. Thank you for your generosity!

Want to meet an active brother?

From time to time, we understand alumni would like to get ahold of the active chapter to be involved in alumni events such as service projects, or sometimes for business inquiries. Whatever it is you might need, click the link below to contact the chapter!

Visit the Tulsa Area Alumni Chapter Website!

The local alumni chapter has been hard at work getting as many people to register an account on the Sigma Chi Network as possible. This a networking site solely for brothers in Northeast Oklahoma. If you do not have an account, click the link to the site below and register!

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